Steps to cancel your subscription depend on which provider you used: Apple, Google Play or our website. When you buy your subscription with Apple or Google Play, you must cancel through Apple or Google Play.
General tips on canceling your subscription
Cancel a subscription bought with Apple
When you buy the subscription with Apple App Store, you need to cancel it through Apple. You can find instructions on how to cancel on Apple website. You can also get in touch with Apple support for help.
Cancel a subscription on your iPhone or iPad
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap your name.
- Tap Subscriptions.
- Tap the subscription that you want to cancel. Check these tips from Apple support if you can't find the subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already cancelled.
Cancel a subscription on your Mac
- Open the App Store app.
- Click your name. If you can't find your name, click Sign In.
- Click Account Settings.
- Scroll to Subscriptions, then click Manage.
- Next to the subscription, click Edit. Check these tips from Apple support if you can't find the subscription you want to cancel.
- Click Cancel Subscription. If there is no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription is already canceled.
Cancel a subscription on your Windows PC
- On your PC, open iTunes. If you don't have iTunes, learn how to download iTunes for Windows.
- From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account, then choose View My Account.
- Scroll to the Settings section. Next to Subscriptions, click Manage.
- Find the subscription that you want to cancel, then click Edit. Check these tips from Apple support if you can't find the subscription you want to cancel.
- Click Cancel Subscription. If there is no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription is already canceled.
Cancel a subscription bought with Google Play
When you buy the subscription with Google Play, you need to cancel it through Google Play. You can find instructions on how to cancel on Google Play website. You can also get in touch with Google support for help.
Cancel a subscription on Android
- On your Android device, go to your subscriptions in Google Play.
- Select the subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap Cancel subscription.
- Follow the instructions.
Cancel a subscription on computer
- On your computer, go to your subscriptions in Google Play.
- For the subscription you want to cancel, click Manage.
- Click Cancel subscription.
- Within the confirmation pop-up, select a reason.
- Click Continue.
What happens after you cancel?
After you cancel your subscription, you have access to the premium features for the time you've paid for.
E.g. if you buy a monthly subscription on January 15th and cancel it before renewal:
- You have premium access until February 15th.
E.g. if you buy a yearly subscription on January 15th and cancel it before renewal:
- You have premium access until January 15th the following year.
E.g. if you buy a yearly subscription, paid in monthly installments, on January 15th, and cancel it before renewal:
- You have premium access until January 15th the following year. The last monthly installment is charged December 15th, and the account changes to a free subscription January 15th.