There are two ways to clear the Yousician cache on macOS; via Terminal and manually.
Clear cache via Terminal
To remove Yousician cache files on your Mac via Terminal, follow the steps below:
- Open Terminal window (open Finder, then select "Go → Utilities → Terminal").
- Copy and paste the following command into your Terminal window:
defaults delete unity.Yousician.Yousician && rm ~/Library/Preferences/unity.Yousician.Yousician.plist && kill $(ps x | awk '/[c]fprefsd/{ print $1 }') && rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/unity.Yousician.Yousician && rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/unity.Yousician.Yousician/
- Press Enter key on your keyboard and you're done!
Clear cache manually
To remove Yousician cache files on your Mac manually, follow the steps below:
- Open the Finder window:
- In the Finder, select the "Go" menu from the menu bar:
- When you see the drop down from the "Go" menu, hold the "alt/option" key:
Select the Library folder from the drop down menu
The library folder opens in a new window. Select a folder called "Caches".
Alternatively, select Go to Folder in the Go menu. Type in~/Library/Caches
and select enter to proceed to this folder: - In the "Caches" folder you need to delete the folder called unity.Yousician.Yousician.
- Go back to the Library folder and select "Preferences" folder. Delete the file unity.Yousician.Yousician.plist:
- Go back to the "Library" folder and select "Application Support" folder. There, remove unity.Yousician.Yousician folder.
- Reboot your machine and install Yousician again.