In the Game tab, you can switch between instruments, customize audio settings, and control in-app features.
You can adjust the volume of songs and tutorial videos by dragging the slider left to decrease or right to increase volume.
Sound effects
You can adjust the volume of the in-app sound effects by dragging the slider left to decrease or right to increase volume.
Switch between Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Bass and Singing curricula.
Guitar, piano, bass and ukulele support different languages and you can change the app language with this setting.
Advanced audio settings
- Buffer size (iOS & Android): Smaller buffer decreases audio latency, but it may cause performance issues. Larger buffer has longer audio latency, but better performance.
- Use MIDI (piano): When your piano is connected to a device and you press a key on it, the app asks you to use MIDI. You can toggle off the MIDI option with this setting.
- Connect Bluetooth MIDI keyboard (piano): If your piano supports a Bluetooth connection, you can use it to connect your piano to your device.
- Driver: Enables you to select between drivers, such as ASIO when used. If you encounter latency issues on Android, try switching to a different driver.
- Input device: The inbuilt microphone in your device is the default option. If you use an audio interface, you can select it as the default input device instead.
- Input channel: The default input channel is set to the first available one. If you are using an external audio interface with many channels, you can select the channel in Yousician that matches the one on your interface.
- Latency calibration: Enables you to calibrate your device audio to reduce latency.
- MIDI sensitivity (piano): Some keyboards have the ability to perceive when a key is played soft vs hard. The more strength used, the louder the sound produced. When you select higher sensitivity, Yousician produces the MIDI sound accordingly. If you use a mobile device and the piano sound is delayed, set the buffer size to 256 or lower. This setting is available if you use a MIDI connection.
Shortcuts (PC & Mac)
List of keyboard shortcuts to use on PC/Mac computers.
Built-in keyboard
(mobile and touch screen enabled devices only)
When toggled on, it adds a touch key piano to your screen. If you have a piano/keyboard instrument, make sure that the toggle is off (gray). The option is available for beginner level exercises only.
Fullscreen (PC & Mac)
Change Yousician to fullscreen mode by toggling the option on (green slider). In fullscreen mode, you can try different display resolution settings to change the size of the font and icons in-app. Lowering display resolution can also reduce video stutter, where the song background seems out of sync with the song audio.
Colorblind mode
Change the game play colors in guitar, ukulele and bass. The available themes are Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia.
Dark mode
Toggle on to use a dark theme in Practice and Play mode for guitar, ukulele and bass.
Pre-song chord trainers
Toggle on to practice guitar or ukulele chords before you play a song.
Left-handed mode
Toggle on if you play left handed guitar, ukulele or bass.
Song data cache
If you have trouble opening songs in-app, try clearing the cache with this option.