You can find the options to download and delete your data in the Privacy section of the Settings tab. You can access the Settings tab in the top right corner of the Profile tab.
Downloading your data
When you select Download your data a browser window opens. You are asked to enter the email address you want the data to be sent to. Once the data is ready, the report is sent to the email address you entered.
What's included in the file?
Profile information, gameplay history, and progress.
Deleting your data
If you want to delete your Campfire account data, you can do so by selecting the Delete your data button. This opens a new browser window and you are asked to confirm that you want to go ahead with the deletion.
Deleting your data:
- Does delete your account ID and profile data
- Does delete data related to your favorite songs, song history, etc.
- Does not delete your subscription data
- Does not cancel your subscription. If you want to cancel your subscription, check this article (campfire cancel article link) for information about cancellation.